Angels come rushing in whenever there is joy and wonder. That is one of the reasons why I really like to surprise my children. This year in ‘corona’ mood. All cuddly toys received a safe mouth mask and the Easter bunny made for a great party. Photos at the bottom. I would like to share […]
very first podcast
I did it! I have tried to make a podcast. It wasn’t that difficult once my son explained that a podcast is just a fancy or cool word for a recording. You can listen by clicking here. Feel free to let me know if it was of any help to you, what topics you would […]
Use those simple tricks to communicate with Angels, with the correct mind-set you can do it 🙂
The language of the angels
I feel like Albert Einstein 🙂, no, not on an intelectual level, but I am in this area. Once you learn and understand the language of the angels, you will never feel alone again. Is that difficult? No, not really, it just takes some practice. How did I find out? I have been very lucky […]
4 – 04 – 2020
I love numbers, numbers and combinations of numbers, that love originated in my childhood:I share a small fragment of my book: “I have received a 3, a 3 out of 10!Help, I am panicking and sad what should I do with a 3 ?? I failed, I failed.Your answer is simply,’ fantastic!’A 3 stands for […]
lucky people
Something has been on my mind lately. I see so many messages about a new world, higher vibrations, increasing frequencies, messages from the Pleiades, the Hathors, Atlantis, Lemuria, Orion, and many others. Yes they are all present and helping, but make no mistake they are all spreading the same message. Look inside and see what […]
Silence, Find the silence he whispered It is there, always and everywhere. In between the sound, there is the power of silence. The silence is strong and weak. She is forceful and tender, Beautiful and ugly, Inside and outside, Up and down Not possible, she replied, there is sound always and everywhere. So he took […]
14 years ago,today, my second son was born. We named him Indriël. The day after he was conceived he announced himself with a huge lightning strike in what was going to be his room. After a week I was convinced his/her name should be Indriël and I was absolutely sure I would give birth to […]
Images from last night
In the last couple of months I have received far less images than in the months before. Last night I received several images. I would love to have a camera inside my head so I could take pictures and share them with all of you. Since drawing isn’t one of my talents I will try […]
We have added a new page to this site. Now you can pick an angelcard every day. Why?Because it’s fun and because it’s a nice distraction from everything that is going on. (in this household today we had a puber son and a pre-puber daughter, and believe me that is a 1000 x worse than […]