
The language of the angels

I feel like Albert Einstein 🙂, no, not on an intelectual level, but I am in this area. Once you learn and understand the language of the angels, you will never feel alone again.

Is that difficult? No, not really, it just takes some practice.

How did I find out? I have been very lucky to travel a lot and to spend a long time in Africa. The cultural differences are big but I was young enough to adapt, fortunately. To give this some perspective, this was before the internet and before we could see the world from our sofa – virtually.

I’ll give you some examples:

  • When 2 people were having a conversation they would speak much louder if other people were near. We might find that disturbing, but they did so to let you know they were not talking about you.
  • When we greeted each other, one hand was given and the other hand was put on top of your arm. That indicated that I didn’t have any weapons hidden behind my back.
  • When waiting for an elevator I was roughly pushed aside by a man. Quite roughly and rudely. I was shocked, but it turns out that in that area, men always enter first to see if everything is safe.
  • I could list dozens of examples and they made me realise for the first time that there was more to this world than my own village with its own customs.
  • Every country, every region has its peculiarities, sensitivities, customs and traditions. That is the same for the angelic world.

The first thing to know is that angels are not people. According to the Kabbalah, angels are conscious energies that belong to the world of paradise. They look at us and can understand us in the same way we might feel if we climbed Mount Everest or hit the euromillions jackpot. Angels do not have an emotional body. They may notice that we are sad or happy, but they cannot feel it as we do. That is important to remember, so please take this into account when asking questions.

What else? Angels have no “negativity”. They just don’t hear the words “never, no, nothing, anything with a negative connotation.

So if you say “not a bad day like yesterday” then they hear “a bad day like yesterday”

It might be a good idea to think about what you want to ask them and how you can do it in a positive way.

I suggest you try that today and I’ll explain how to proceed in the next blog.

I am now going to drink a coffee with my be-winged friends and think about how I can share all my courses with you. I’m going to follow an evening on webinars this week and see if that’s an option. Do you have any questions or suggestions I would love to hear them!

Greetings from me and the angels