Angels come rushing in whenever there is joy and wonder. That is one of the reasons why I really like to surprise my children. This year in ‘corona’ mood. All cuddly toys received a safe mouth mask and the Easter bunny made for a great party. Photos at the bottom.
I would like to share the following poem with you.
Have fun and don’t forget to think a happy thought before connecting with your angels.

I’m not very big
In fact I’m quite small
I sit on your shoulder
And hear when you call.
I go everywhere with you
Thought you can’t see me
I am with you always
Even in your dreams.
I share your laughter
Dry your tears when you cry
And every day I’m so proud
Cause I see how hard you try.
I don’t have a name
and I’ll never grow older
But for as long as you live
I’ll be your little Angel on your shoulder.