Inspired by the current discussions about teaching history in schools (in Belgium and the Netherlands), here’s my humble perspective: Fill the Heart, Not Just the Mind History without a vision for the future leads only to repetition. We learn what happened, analyze the mistakes, but how often do we connect those lessons to the world […]
Tag: Angels
Long tables, low walls
Friday the 13th. For many, it’s a day of superstition and bad luck. For me, it’s a day of strength, the strength of Mary Magdalene, the 13th apostle. It reminds me that truth is subjective. What one person sees as misfortune, another might find hope and inspiration in. The phrase that always resonates with me […]
This podcast is dedicated to contacting angels and explore the role of angels in people’s lives, how to connect with them, and how to experience their energy and help in everyday reality. They emphasize the importance of inner peace and happiness, and the idea that angels guide us along life’s path.
In 2024, we witness the rise of a new generation of children, endowed with unique gifts and a vision for a better world.

In 2024, we witness the rise of a new generation of children, endowed with unique gifts and a vision for a better world. Their unparalleled empathy and digital fluency pave the way for a future that is more connected, understanding, and kinder than ever before